
The True Meaning of Christmas

      In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, us Christians often forget the real meaning behind it all, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are celebrating his birth, which radically changed the whole of human history. we read in the Gospel of Luke: Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”     Jesus Christ loves us so much that he came to earth in the form of a man, to live the  perfect  life, and to ultimately die  for every sin you and I have ever committed. and it all started in a manger in Bethlehem. We need to give Jesus the praise He deserves this holiday season.  


  I was attending a conference at a Reformed Baptist Church, and as I was wandering around looking at different parts of the building (which, by the way, was a very nice place), and they had a tract rack which contained a number of small booklets they were offering for free, which contained the writings of puritans, reformers, and early church fathers. I looked up the website, and it turned out that there is a Ministery which offers small books by Christian heroes of the faith for free, up to twenty dollars. I immediately snatched up some Spurgeon, Whitefield, and Luther's "Bondage of the Will", along with others.     I would encourage you to read the works of Christian Heroes of the past. The Puritains especially have some of the richest theological writings in the history of the Church. Too often today modern Christians get all of their theology from extremely liberal, extremely unbiblical Authors like Joel Osteen, Beth Moore, and Joyce Meyer (who are all going 100 mile

The Benaiah Trilogy - Another Great Christian Series by Jared Dodd

 Where to begin with this awesome series? It is based on Benaiah from the Bible, In 2 Samuel 23:20 where it says this:     " Benaiah son of Jehoiada, a valiant fighter from Kabzeel, performed great exploits. He struck down Moab's two mightiest warriors. he also went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion."  This and other scenes from second Samuel appear in this book. It also envisions Benaiah's life with his family, his training in warfare by his father, Jehoiada, and his emotions when taking down the lion in the pit.  I don't want to give the plot away, so I'll leave my brief review as is, but I greatly encourage you to read these books. A friend of mine let me borrow it, and I read it on a long drive one day (don't worry- not while driving!), and I couldn't put it down!      The First, "Priest", and the Second, "Warrior", are currently available on Amazon. The third and final installment, "General", is not cur

More Posts Soon!

 I have been taking a short break from posting lately, but I am preparing some great articles, including ones touching on Calvinism, Bible translations, and more. So keep checking in!

The Celestial Railroad

We've been talking about John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress", and I wanted to share a great new take on it I discovered recently.  It's by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and it is called "The Celestial Railroad''. It is only about 20 pages long, and it is profound in content. it is basically a survey of Christianity in the 1800's, It is a parody of "The Pilgrim's Progress" except everything is modernized. Pilgrims can now take a railroad and make a carefree journey to the Celestial City. He apparently wrote it to attack the Unitarian and Transcendentalist beliefs of his time. It is a fascinating read, and it almost reminds me of "The Scroll Saga" which I have blogged about earlier ( The Scroll Saga ) It shows the ways the Devil can invade the soul and create a false Christianity that will ultimately send you to hell.  Here is a link to read the whole thing for yourself: The Celestial Railroad by Nathaniel Hawthorne (online-lit

Why I love "The Pilgrim's Progress"

For those poor souls who do not know about this wonderful book, “The Pilgrim's Progress”- an allegory by the widely known English author & preacher, John Bunyan, is the most widely read book besides the Bible for about 200 years. It tells the iconic story of a man named Christian who goes on a quest to reach the Celestial City, an allegorical rendering of heaven in Bunyan’s work. Here is my favorite quote from the book: What God says is best, is best, though all the men in the world are against it. This is extremely true and applicable, and there’s lots more where that came from, though I don't have time to go through all of my favorite quotes today.  The characters in this work are iconic figures in historic Christendom. Let’s take a look at some of them. Christian , the main character and a representation of humankind, Faithful, Christian’s companion for half the book, who is murdered by the men of vanity fair, and last but not least, Christiana, Christian’s wife, who ha

Abortion: an Examination

 whether or not life begins at conception is one of the hottest issues in our society today. Unsaved, hell-bound sinners would have you believe that life begins when the baby is born, and at any time before that, the baby's life can be aborted. Whereas Christians believe that all human life begins at conception, like the Bible says. Let's take a look at some verses in the Bible to see what God says about the sanctity of Life. "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s  womb." -Psalm 139:13 "... and even  sacrificed  their sons  whom they bore to Me, passing them through  the fire,  to devour  them." - Ezekiel 23:37  There are many more that I could list here, but this should make the point that God deeply cares for each of His people, and He obviously would not support abortion.  Sometimes, I think of it like this, how many more William Tyndales, John Bunyans, Issac Newtons, or Martin Luthers would we have, if their lives were not cut sho