The Scroll Saga: the greatest Christian book series you have probably never heard of


    I first got acquainted with the Scroll Saga when it was recommended to me by a friend. I was skeptical at first, but once I got through the first few chapters, I couldn't put it down. After I finished book 1, I was so desperate to read the next book in the series that I purchased it immediately. And... It was even better than the first one! (That's saying something). The third book in the Scroll Saga is geared more towards young ladies, but it is still valuable and entertaining. 
    This series is SPECTACULAR. It has the perfect mix of drama, humor, and sometimes startling truth. It really makes you think about the world, the Church, and the Christian life differently. The author, through clever allegorical scenes, displays societal problems that we often miss. 
    The Castle represents the modern Church. The Oasis is the true Church that is aligned with God's will. The Scroll is the Bible. Dragons are sin. And warriors who fight them are Christians fighting the spiritual battle against sin that should exist in every true Christian's life. 
       The author, Jared Dodd, is a pastor and runs the Dodd Family Ministry. He is also the author of another spectacular series, The Benaiah Trilogy.  
    The series is independently published, and can be purchased on Amazon, or on And stay tuned for the Fourth Volume!


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