Abortion: an Examination
whether or not life begins at conception is one of the hottest issues in our society today. Unsaved, hell-bound sinners would have you believe that life begins when the baby is born, and at any time before that, the baby's life can be aborted. Whereas Christians believe that all human life begins at conception, like the Bible says. Let's take a look at some verses in the Bible to see what God says about the sanctity of Life.
"For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb."
-Psalm 139:13
"...and even sacrificed their sons whom they bore to Me, passing them through the fire, to devour them."
-Ezekiel 23:37
There are many more that I could list here, but this should make the point that God deeply cares for each of His people, and He obviously would not support abortion.
Sometimes, I think of it like this, how many more William Tyndales, John Bunyans, Issac Newtons, or Martin Luthers would we have, if their lives were not cut short by the ending of a pregnancy? maybe, the world would be a completely different place right now if one pregnancy had not been ended, if the woman had stuck it out regardless of the pain, and glorified God in the process?
We will never know. Let the ghosts of the masses of unborn children being slaughtered every day be a lesson to you. When mankind is desperate to silence God and His Truth, it opens the door to an eerily different world in which to live, one without a moral standard, where man is little more than a highly evolved animal, where killing babies, the mentally challenged, and the elderly is perfectly alright.
Hold on to God's eternal truth. Let it guide you, let it cover you. use it as a sword to wield against Satan and his demons. It truly is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.
The world is declining steadily every day, so that means God's Truth is needed all the more.