
Insanity in Paris! 2024 Olympics are a Hot Mess

 The Olympic games, which could be used to glorify God by showcasing the incredible talents He has given us, have been used to advance a terrifying woke agenda. Truly frightening scenes from this year's games include a truly disgusting mockery of the Lord's Supper, a woman being beaten brutally by a man in the boxing ring, conceding after 46 seconds, and an overall utterly Godless tone in this year's games.  But, if you think about it, this is what happens when the world abandons God's commandments and precepts, and instead of thanking Him for the athletic gifts He has given us, takes all the glory for themselves, and define truth the way they want it. With no precepts or standards by which to follow (The Bible), it makes it OK to mock Jesus the way they did in the opening ceremony. after all, according to the world, God does not exist, so Jesus could never be God.  But "Be not deceived, God is not mocked"(Galatians 6:7) Those who mock His Name will answer, if

Whatever happened to “Bible Biographies”?

I was looking through past articles and I found this one announcing a new series that never ended up happening. Well, I’m bringing it back, and it will be my next series. As the post said, You will not want to miss it!

Bible Warrior Selects: BWB on Pride Month

  For my 51st post, I thought I would dig into the archives a little bit to last year’s  article on Pride Month. Even though it isn’t pride month, being the problem is maybe even worse than the time I wrote this. And unfortunately many Christians get homophobia and Steven Anderson-y about it. As Christians, we still need to love our neighbors, no matter who they are. And this is still applicable no matter what month it is. Here’s the article. There is a lot of hate going on in secular, and even Christian circles. A majority of the arguing and debating and calling of names centers around the LGBTQ+ movement, and, unfortunately, many Christians have gotten sucked into the LGBTQ movement's liberal, anti-biblical agenda. Some leaders, such as Steven Anderson, have turned away many possible converts from his church because he would not allow them to join the congregation. Anderson even said, in his own words, "LGBT" stands for "Let God burn them".  THAT IS NOT THE WA

We MUST not be silenced

I think we can all agree, the world is in turmoil. Wars in Ukraine and Israel, inflation, an assassination attempt on a former president , the list goes on. And to put the icing on the cake, the hatred of Christ and Christs people grows daily, as homosexuality, evolution, and other evils threaten to destroy the integrity of America. The world hates Christs call to repent and believe the gospel, and will do absolutely anything to stop the spread of the Good News, and us believers are witnessing less and less as the need grows greater. The world wants to silence us, and we must not let them. It can be gut wrenching to tune in to the news and see society collapse, but we must remember that this world is in desperate need of Jesus Christ. We need to keep on praying, keep on witnessing, keep reading God’s Word. The world may think that they have won, but for the Christian, it’s business as usual. Bible verse:  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,  baptizing them in the name of t

The Church and Homosexuality

  you just need to take a look around the modern Church today to realize that there is something horribly wrong. We have "Christian" leaders telling the world that the Book of Genesis is just a metaphor, accepting Theistic Evolution instead of the straightforward Bible account, and trying to make Jesus just a wise man. nothing else. And these are all, of course, issues the Church need to manage, but I want to talk today about maybe the issue of the day, the subject of homosexuality. You see churches with pride flags on the flagpoles, and the deception even reaches some of our previously conservative denominations, such as the Baptists and Presbyterians.      now, I'm going to show you a few Bible verses that show what God thinks about the issue.  Leviticus 18:22 ~   You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 ~  If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to deat

New Movie Project from Bible Warrior Media!!!

You may have noticed it's been a while since I wrote on TBWB, and part of it is just being very busy lately, but another factor is that I am working a little bit on a short film that will be presented on the Bible Warrior YouTube Channel in the next couple of months. a trailer is in the making, so I will just say this: make sure you are watching out for it. God bless!  

Christmas Video

 Here's a cool Christmas video from the friends at "The Reiser movie Company".  The True Meaning of Christmas (