We MUST not be silenced

I think we can all agree, the world is in turmoil. Wars in Ukraine and Israel, inflation, an assassination attempt on a former president , the list goes on. And to put the icing on the cake, the hatred of Christ and Christs people grows daily, as homosexuality, evolution, and other evils threaten to destroy the integrity of America. The world hates Christs call to repent and believe the gospel, and will do absolutely anything to stop the spread of the Good News, and us believers are witnessing less and less as the need grows greater. The world wants to silence us, and we must not let them. It can be gut wrenching to tune in to the news and see society collapse, but we must remember that this world is in desperate need of Jesus Christ. We need to keep on praying, keep on witnessing, keep reading God’s Word. The world may think that they have won, but for the Christian, it’s business as usual.

Bible verse: 

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.

 Matthew 28:19


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