KJV-ONLYISM: The House Built on the Sand, Part 2
So we've been talking about the problems that KJV Onlyism holds. And not the least of these, the King James version of the Bible is, contrary to common belief, not altogether perfect. And the truth is, there is no perfect translation. We are all fallible humans, aren't we? When God "Breathed Out" Scripture(2 Timothy 3:16), the original manuscripts, or "Autographs", were perfect, and completely flawless. But tell that to a proponent of the KJVO movement, and they'll say that you don't believe in the inerrancy of Scripture! But this is just not the case. And I will go into more detail about that in another segment. But, back to the point.
Biblestudy.org, in an article entitled “King James Bible Errors”, lists a formidable list of mistakes that the translators of the King James Bible made, and that MORE MODERN Bible translations have gotten right. They say:
“What we call the Old Testament, in its original language, has incredibly few Bible errors. This is primary because the Levitical priests faithfully and painstakingly copied the text for generations. Unfortunately, many errors can be found in the King James Bible due to its translators using Latin readings that sometimes inaccurately conveyed what was in the original Hebrew text.
As if that were not enough, still more errors crept into the KJV Bible because the translators, picked by King James to produce an English version of God's word, "read into" certain texts their own biases, prejudices and long held church doctrines. This inaccurate method of Bible interpretation is known as Eisegesis”.
Some of the Verses that were not translated correctly:
Luke 2:14 - Glory to God in the highest, AND PEACE ON EARTH AMONG MEN OF GOODWILL.
Luke 9:50 - But Jesus said to him, "Do not forbid him, BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO IS NOT AGAINST US IS FOR US."
Acts 20:28 - Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, TO FEED THE CHURCH OF GOD
Then, there is the biggest mistake in the whole KJV, John 18:5. The translators made a grievous error when they added 'He' in italics after Jesus said, 'I AM.' You see, they have trivialized His claim to deity and reduced the greatest statement in history to nothing.
So, I hope you get the gist of what I am trying to say, that no translation of the Bible is perfect, and King James is no different. The only perfect Word of God is the original "Autographs" penned by the authors of Scripture.