KJV-ONLYISM: The House Built on the Sand, Part 3

Now I am going to lay out a few problems with the textual basis of the King James Version: According to Third Mill.org, “Some 1611 KJO advocates claim that the basis of the 1611 KJV Bible was Erasmus' Textus Receptus (TR), a phrase coined some twenty-two years after the 1611 KJV was originally translated. However, it is more correct to state that they were based upon about a half dozen MSS which are in the Byzantine text family. Indeed, Erasmus had to fill in certain gaps in his TR by translating the Latin New Testament back into Greek and then back again into English, most notably in the latter portion of the Book of Revelation. Moreover, since the development of TR, thousands of more manuscripts and fragments have been discovered, including the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. The Qumran Caves Scrolls contained about 230 manuscripts referred to as "biblical scrolls." Partial and even complete copies of every book in the Hebrew Bible, except Esther, w...