Technology & Christianity, part 3
NOTE: The text of this post was originally delivered as a lecture at a homeschool convention.
Secondly, the internet is shaping our POLITICAL VIEWS, which means what we believe our government should and should not do. And I want you to stick with me on this one. Politics are a very touchy subject in our modern culture, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic. And the internet played a very big part of that. Political campaigns online and offline are essentially bandwagons that focus on drawing as many people in as possible and forcing their own agenda on us. And the current political divide is not the way God designed people to interact with each other. A 2020 YouGov poll found that around 24% of Democrats were not friends with anyone who held very different political views from them up from 10% in 2016. We can hold different views than others, but we can still respect them. And that is something that the world needs to learn. And the agenda of the world’s leading politicians is unfortunately, for the most part, a very Liberal, Godless agenda. The internet is filled with it, as you can see for yourself when you just go on Google. And these bandwagons and politicians that I mentioned do not support critical thinking. I do not believe that the modern culture believes in individuality, as they so often state, but conformity to the cultural norms, and God does not want us to “kinda” follow him and the culture, He wants us to follow Him entirely, utterly forsaking the sinful things of this world.
So resist the influence of the internet regarding politics and base your political standings on the word of God. A Bible Warrior does not jump on the bandwagon of any man but decides for himself what Jesus would stand for.
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God".
-Romans 12:2