The Bible's Sufficiency In All Things

The Bible is God's word to his people, so we would expect most Christians to take the study of it more seriously, but it seems to me that the abundance of anxiety and mental issues in Christians today is because they are not spending enough time in the word!   

The study of the Bible may seem intimidating to some, but there is a foolproof way to do it: pray and ask God to show you what He will to you, and then search the passage, chapter, or book to see what He reveals. You may be surprised what you will find. 

Correct interpretation of the Word is also vitally important. Many people see the Bible as a Book full of contradicting verses, statements, or philosophies. While it is true that there are some things we don't fully understand, the presence of these difficulties only adds to it's credibility. if the Bible was made up by humans, it would seem to me that they would take extra care not to include statements that would make it less believable, also contradicting popular human opinions on science, philosophy, etc.  But God cannot contradict Himself, so any statements that present a "problem" to us should be examined in light of this concept. And anyway, the "contradictory" statements have all been cleared up by Biblical scholars. So, there is something to be said for getting a book or two on Jewish tradition and culture, and examining the passages that seem counter-intuitive to you. 

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness...

-2 Timothy 3:16 LSB

In this famous verse, Paul is saying that every single word, verse, chapter, and book of the Bible is helpful to the Christian life. Now, this is not to say that every verse can be literally applied to our life. That is a mistake that many people make. Can the dimensions of the Tabernacle be literally applied to the Christian life? No, not at face value. But it can teach us about God, who teaches us how to live correctly. The said dimensions for the Tabernacle, in all their beautiful, minute details, show us that God is a God of order, and A holy, righteous, God. And there. Now you Just learned something about God. 

This brief intro to Bible study is just to whet your appetite for Bible study, so what are you waiting for? Dive in! 


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