Giving Thanks
Ephesians 5:20
" thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father..."
Recently, I was looking on Google maps. As someone who has never traveled anywhere except the next state, I was awakened to the fact that the vast majority of the world does not live like upper class Americans.
We are the most privileged nation in the world. If we have a roof over our heads, a car that functions, and money to buy food, we are more privileged than most. And we ignore the fact that there are people in African countries who do not even have a real house, just a blanket draped over a stick.
I am not saying these things to make you feel guilty. Rather, I want to awaken you to the fact that we are an extremely privileged society.
Luke 12:48 says:
"And to whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required..."
Much is given to America, therefore much is required. we should use our treasure that has been entrusted to us wisely. And, as the title and verse says, we should give thanks always.