
Introducing..."The Bible Warrior" YouTube Channel!!!

  Recently, I was thinking about other ways that I could get the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the online community, and I decided to start a YouTube channel to reach more people online! I am @TheBiblewarrior316. here is the link:  The Bible Warrior - YouTube  I will be announcing my first vid soon!

Loving Your Neighbors...Even when it's Pride Month

 There is a lot of hate going on in secular, and even Christian circles. A majority of the arguing and debating and calling of names centers around the LGBTQ+ movement, and, unfortunately, many Christians have gotten sucked into the LGBTQ movement's liberal, anti-biblical agenda. Some leaders, such as Steven Anderson, have turned away many possible converts from his church because he would not allow them to join the congregation. Anderson even said, in his own words, "LGBT" stands for "Let God burn them".  THAT IS NOT THE WAY TO WIN SOULS TO CHRIST! I feel embarrassed that many opponents of Christianity believe that extreme radicals like Anderson and James White represent real Christianity, when, in reality, they don't. We need to love our enemies and pray for those that persecute us! It says it right on the pages of Holy Scripture! As far as LGBTQ+ goes, we are REQUIRED as Christians to loathe and despise the idea of Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and other...

It's Pride Month, So...

 I keep doing exactly what I have been doing. Absolutely nothing.  Christianity and Homosexuality ARE NOT COMPATABLE.   There are numerous passages in the Bible that flat out forbid any support or practice of homosexuality. Here are a few: -2 Timothy 1:10 -Romans 1:26-27 -1 Corinthians 6:9 -Leviticus 18:22 And the big one, Romans 1: 26-27. Here it is:   " For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against  nature. Likewise also the  men, leaving the natural use of the  woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."  (NKJV) I wish that "Christians" who support LGBTQ+ propaganda read their Bibles more, because homosexuality can never be read into the Bible. But really, what would you expect from a Godless, sinless culture?  Without God, anything and ...

Is the Big Bang Compatible with the Bible?

  The “big bang” is a fairy tale about how the universe came into existence that is more fitting in the pages of Tolkien’s “Silmarillion” than a science textbook. The theory proposes that billions of years ago the universe began in a tiny, immeasurably hot and dense point called a singularity, which supposedly contained all the mass and energy that would become everything we see today, as well as “space” itself.  According to the theory,  the singularity rapidly swelled, dispersing all of the energy and space. While this story of origins is entirely fictional, unfortunately many people, even some Christians, believe that it is an accurate explanation of the beginning of the universe.  The most disturbing aspect of all this, however, is the fact that Christians who accept the big bang are missing its clearly atheistic roots. As solar astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle put it, “They (meaning Christians who believe in the big bang) have chosen to reinterpret the plain tea...

The Resurrection of Jesus


The Swoon Theory: A Viable Hypothesis?

       Atheists, Gnostics, and the devil alike share one goal–To keep you from experiencing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And this often leads them to invent wild and outrageous theories to get you to doubt what the Bible says is true. One such theory concerning the resurrection is the SWOON THEORY. The swoon theory is the idea that Jesus Christ did not really die at His crucifixion but was merely unconscious when He was laid in the tomb, and there He was revived from unconsciousness.        W hat are the implications if this theory were true? Would it even be possible for a man to survive the cross? And if, indeed, the swoon theory can be proved or disproved, what does it matter to us? I will give you all the answers to these questions and more. Now, first we will start with the medical evidence. And if the medical evidence does not convince you, then probably nothing will. A Roman crucifixion was one of the most brutal ways of execut...

KJV-ONLYISM: The House Built on the Sand, Part 3

     Now I am going to lay out a few problems with the textual basis of the King James Version: According to Third,      “Some 1611 KJO advocates claim that the basis of the 1611 KJV Bible was Erasmus' Textus Receptus (TR), a phrase coined some twenty-two years after the 1611 KJV was originally translated. However, it is more correct to state that they were based upon about a half dozen MSS which are in the Byzantine text family. Indeed, Erasmus had to fill in certain gaps in his TR by translating the Latin New Testament back into Greek and then back again into English, most notably in the latter portion of the Book of Revelation. Moreover, since the development of TR, thousands of more manuscripts and fragments have been discovered, including the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. The Qumran Caves Scrolls contained about 230 manuscripts referred to as "biblical scrolls." Partial and even complete copies of every book in the Hebrew Bible, except Esther, w...