Today (in the United States), we are celebrating our nation's birthday, July 4th, 1776. On this day, the Declaration of Independence was signed, and our nation was born. Many historians are baffled by America's success. They wonder, what made America so great? And I will say this to you: American democracy succeeded because it was built upon the principals of government found in the Bible, God's Holy Word. Where did we get the idea for 3 branches of government? The Bible. where did we get the drive to protect natural rights, and promote equality for all peoples? The Bible. Where did the idea of government by consent of the governed come from? You guessed it. The Bible. Without God's Word, America never would have existed. I could talk about this forever, but I can't. There is a book and website I would recommend: "The Institute on the Constitution" website, Institute on the Constitution And the book I would recommend is put ou...